Demonstration - Overton Arts Group
Overton Arts Group : 25th March 2025
I'll be giving a demonstration of painting techniques including mid and background figures
SGA / Plain Arts Exhibition
Salisbury Library : 5th April - 5th May 2025 : library opening hours (not Sundays / bank holidays)
I'll have a few of my paintings hanging among the collected works of these two Salisbury art groups.
Titchfield Art And Craft Show
Titchfield community centre (Hampshire), 25-27th April 2025
I will have three of my paintings on show at this open event. Free entry (except Friday which is by ticket only)
More details at https://titchfieldartandcraft.co.uk/
Romsey Art Group Spring Exhibition
Lee (just South of Romsey) : 3rd - 17th May 2025
I will have three of my recent paintings on show among the collected works of the Romsey Art Group. Find me stewarding / as artist in residence on <date to be determined>. There is a small admission charge
Salisbury Art Market
Salisbury Marketplace : 1st June 2025, 10am - 4pm
I will have a small selection of my work on show and for sale on the SGA stall. The art market is free, and a great place to unwind on a summer Sunday. There is usually music and food to be found too.
Art On The Railings For Beggars Fair
Romsey Bus station : 12th July 9am - 5pm (weather permitting)
Along with many other artists I will be showing a selection of my work along the bus station railings during Beggar's Fair - a big music and arts event thats FREE and attracts large crowds to Romsey. If you are an artist or crafts person and would like to join me, please get in touch by email. This year the Beggars Fair organisers are charging a small % of proceeds in return for publicity.
SGA Summer Exhibition
Salisbury Library : 2nd - 30th August 2025, library opening hours (not Sundays / bank holidays)
I'll have a few of my paintings on show with the collected works of the Salisbury Group Of Artists
Hampshire Open Studios
25 The Tyleshades, Romsey, SO51 5RJ : 16th - 25th August 2025, 9am - 5pm
This year I will be joined by five guest artists, working in a variety of media. More details later.
Romsey Art Group autumn Exhibition
Lee (just South of Romsey) : <dates to be determined>
I will have another three of my recent paintings on show among the collected works of the Romsey Art Group.
I'll be adding more events for this year as they get confirmed.
Unable to make any of my events, but still interested, and able to visit? Why not arrange a private visit to my studio. Simply get in touch, letting me know what you are interested in, so I can setup a display just for you. There is no obligation to buy. All I ask is that you come with an open mind.