If you are reading this, you are most likely viewing a painting of the Isle Of Wight, Smartphone in hand, having scanned the QR code beside it.
For your trouble, let me tell you about some of the wild shores of the island...
One of my favourite stretches of wild shore is between Fort Victoria and Fort Albert. Accessed along the beach from Fort Victoria, and then along a crumbling cliff you come to this spot with its stark trees and barren earth that somehow seems quite magical. Is it the view of the sea filtered through the trees or the mesh of light and shade across the bare earth. I'll leave that to you to figure.
This painting is the other side of Yarmouth on the muddy North shore. Here the stark, dead trees lie in the sea, washed by milky water full of suspended clay, giving some interesting hues and a hint of something altogether more exotic.
This is typical of much of the North shores of the island.
Around the East side and the beaches are all quite accessible and mainly tamed with tourism. One of the least tamed is Priory Bay (painted view as seen in January), where the beach is backed by natural woodland, and protected by rocks at either end.
Once you get past Ventnor, the South side is mainly crumbling cliffs and chines (gorges that drop down to the sea). Its here that you can find large dinosaur footprints. I don't have any paintings of this area, or the wilder parts of the West coast. That is something I will have to remedy.