St Ives

St Ives

St Ives is known for two things - art and surfing.  It has a proliferation of galleries, with most aimed at the tourist market.  So you do get a lot of similar beach scenes!  Here I show you the other side..
After a cosy night at a guest house, we awake to find this view of Porth Meor - the main beach, with long shadows cast by the buildings of the town.  It looks to be a beautiful day, and we can't wait to explore further.
Porth Meor
Rather than head straight for the beaches we first go to visit "Bab's House" - as our guide calls it.  Its the Barbara Hepworth museum, with lots of large sculpted shapes around a leafy garden, but just like the Tate Gallery below, the best part is the view.

Down the other side of the hill we come round to the harbour, and our cafe for lunch which overlooks it. The water has all but left the harbour, and people wander among the stranded boats.
Low tide, St Ives
After lunch we explore the shops, and try each of the three main beaches in turn, ending up back at Porth Meor watching the surfers learning to ride the waves.  Nearby a couple have come up with what must be the most enviable job around - taking photos to sell to the surfers, and otherwise just looking cool lounging around on the beach.
Surf School
As evening comes we get peckish, so its off up the narrow cobbled streets to find that fish restaurant that caught our eye earlier.  And by the time we've eaten the light has gone and the shopping street transformed to a world of glowing lights.  The shore is stunning too, with lights of the hostelries reflected off the waters that now fill the harbour.  We can just make out the boats in the dark as they cut through the reflections with their dark silhouettes.
Evening Stroll

Next morning we are off down to one of the cafes by the harbour for a hearty full English breakfast, whilst we stare out at the view. However the boats have all gone, out fishing, leaving just the mooring ropes draped artistically across the sand.

Whilst we contemplate the fisherman out at sea, our breakfast arrives - a large plate with all the cooked bits and pieces you would expect - sausage, tomato, bacon, egg, mushrooms and for the daring, a slice of black pudding. Its all washed down with a mug of tea, and then its off to the station, wheeling our cases with bloated stomachs perched on top!

Gone Fishing

But before we board that train there is a chance for a glimpse or two back to the town and the lovely harbour, now seen stretched out before us in an arc around the sand.  Looks like some showers are brewing!

St Ives

Prints of all my St Ives paintings can be found at

A map to help you explore

Get a printable version of this trail, and use it to explore the town and the views I've painted.  Its completely FREE so long as its not for profit.

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